cultivating connections

it’s all about community.

from the inception of otràvie, i knew that fostering a space for community was important to me and that one of my main purposes in creating the brand was in part an attempt at holding space for myself and also for others.

the message of otràvie has always asked us to look beyond surface levels, to understand the integrity and depth of what remains hidden beneath. at the core, this is what i stand for and aim to represent in my values which i carry forward into the why and how of my business by curating pre-loved clothing. giving a second chance or another life, to something that was once discarded or overlooked is the redemption song woven throughout my personal story and the story of otràvie.

RWNE (reading with new eyes) embodies these values by asking us to take a second look, to see the unseen, to discover something anew.

it’s through a shared love for reading that we gather together to circulate ideas, reflections and thoughts which connect us at the human level.

with RWNE, books are the vehicle which drive this narrative.

the act of reading calls upon each of us to make connections.

connections to the story, connections to the world and the people around us. but most of all, a connection to ourselves. through reading, there is always something new to learn and something new to discover. through reading, we are renewed, even if consciously unaware, new perspectives and thought pathways form.

community begins and ends with connections.

connection with others can only start with a connection to oneself. to know oneself, and to walk forward with an open heart is where the very center of a community has the potential to manifest and grow.

are you interested in joining our community?

take part in an enriching monthly book club, curated experiences and exclusive events all centered around connection through reading.

discover more about RWNE here.

all images of the RWNE launch event held on may 4, 2024 at VN Residency were captured in an analog format by my husband @carlosarzagafotografia


thoughts gathered in the creative process


thoughts gathered in the creative process